In House Laboratory

To produce high quality products and to develop latest equipment, we have established an In-House Laboratory with state of art facilities. The Laboratory also serves for routine testing of our products and raw materials. Facilities include High Voltage AC/DC Testing Sets, High Voltage Precision AC Voltage Dividers of Class 0.5, 100KV AC & High Voltage Precision Voltage Dividers Class 0.1, 150KV DC, Automated Sphere Gaps, Insulation Break Down Testers, Current Injection Equipment, High Voltage Insulation Testers, Precision Instruments, Corona Free HV Test Set-ups, Thermal Imagers for Hot Spot Detection, Heat Run Tests and other Test and Calibration Instruments. The accuracies of our instruments are traceable to National and International Labs such as Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Regional Test Laboratory (RTL), Electrical Research and Development Association (ERDA). Periodic verification and calibration of all our Laboratory Instruments/Equipment is conducted at Govt./Govt. Recognized Laboratories. We utilize services of National Laboratories, Test Houses, Research & Development Centers whenever required for our R&D activities also.
Technical Capabilities
Technology Products team of highly experienced engineers and technicians can design, manufacture and commission highly sophisticated Electrical Testing and Electrical Safety Equipment up to 1000KV. Constant support is also available from our Principals who are leaders in their own fields. In past our engineers have designed and manufactured testing equipment up to 800KV and highly specialized systems such as Cable Termination Systems (Water Terminations) up to 300KV for Partial Discharge measurement in XLPE Cables. Some of these engineers had served in leading organizations of the world and have been trained abroad in specialized fields. Special attention is paid on training of engineers and documentation, which has in turn paid us rich dividends. Our engineers have undergone extensive training in the following fields -
- Electrical Testing & Measuring
- Electrical Safety Equipment & Safety Practices including some of the highly specialized jobs like Bare Hand Techniques of 400KV System
- Manufacturing, Servicing and Operation of Infrared Thermal Imaging Cameras with specific applications on predictive maintenance on Power System Equipment'.
- Planning and Setting up Electrical Laboratories on Turn Key Basis i.e. from concept to commissioning
A constant feedback is taken from our clients regarding the performance of our equipment & in case further improvement or modification in our designs is required, it is incorporated. A number of reputed consultants recommend our equipment and also regularly consult us for the latest developments and techniques in the field of Electrical Testing & Maintenance.
Our Senior Engineers and Executives are also visiting faculties to a number of Institutions like National Power Training Institute.